What it feels like to turn 21.

You think : Yeah, you're finally legal and you have the world laid out in front of you now.

No, you don't. People always talk about how great turning 21 is like, honestly, it doesn't feel any different from any other age. I turned 21 in another country, away from my parents, my family, away from my really close friends back at home. Don't get me wrong, I have amazing friends here who celebrated my birthday with me. And I am so grateful for that. But heck, no one ever talks about how scary turning 21 is.

I'm a full time student, unemployed, not earning money (looking into that at the moment), living on my own. I'm at a point in my life where I don't have what I had hoped to achieve by this age, not sure what the heck is going on in my life (but at the same time, I'm not complaining). Basically, I'm just in between. Not that it's a bad feeling, but it's not the easiest of feelings in the world. Haven't exactly figured out about the career path I wanna take, and all that jazz, probably just going to be single for the rest of my life and live with a bunch of cats. No, actually dogs. Dogs ftw. (jokes, but I did have this one friend who I had just met who read my palm and was like "you're going to have a very good life, but, the only aspect which will bring you struggles and heartache is your love life" HAHA thanks friend T-T. On the brighter side though he did tell me that I'd find something that would really make me happy once I'm older/ I'd definitely be in a happy place when I'm older. So, looking forward to that).

But hey, guess we can't be sure about everything huh. Just basically taking life on one day at a time, and just you know, going with the flow of things. We can't control everything can we. So here's to turning 21 and not being sure about a single f--king thing. (Excuse my language it was pretty much needed)



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