The Thing about Fitting In.

What they don't tell you about fitting in, is that it is a constant search. You never really stop searching for a place you belong until you actually find it. Now, I don't mean fitting in, in a-

I - want - people - to - like - me 

kind of way, I mean it in a-

I - actually - think - I've - found - where - I - belong 

kinda way. I've shuffled around so many times, and it does feel as if every time I move from place to place, I have to learn to "fit in" every single time. 

For such a long time, I thought to really thrive in a place, I had to find my groove amongst those who already do - almost as if being or feeling individualistic and different would be against the grain, and in retrospect it is really against the grain. But then, I thought to myself - why does it have to be that way? Why did I have to constantly change myself to suit a place? Adapting to a place - definitely. But, changing myself was only a recipe of slowly losing myself.Having recently graduated these past few months has given me a significant amount of time to myself, meaning plenty of time for self reflection, and can I just say, it has been a tremendous amount of self discovery that I have been going through, emotionally as well as mentally.

You see, finding a way to fit in is much harder than making a place work for you. Instead of trying to "fit in", why not try and adapt and allow the place to fit to you. So maybe instead of finding a way to feel like we belong in a place, maybe it's all about finding that place that suits us and allows us to feel like we belong.



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